
streamlining off-campus housing with group search and roommate matching


RentBlue is a desktop website help streamline the housing searching process for students in Ann Arbor, Michigan with a group search function, enhanced filter matching and easy house tour scheduling. I worked with 4 other designers to perform an end-to-end design process, focusing on the listing design, group search function and design system.

my role

user research

product design

UX design


from October 2024

Oct. 2024

to December 2024

Dec. 2024

(3 months)


5 designers





why RentBlue?

Off-campus housing in Ann Arbor is expensive and hard to find.

With limited on-campus housing, U of M students are expected to find their accommodation from their freshmen year.

On-campus housing is limited, especially for graduate students.

On-campus housing is limited, especially for graduate students.

Information about rentals was scattered across websites, social media groups, and word-of-mouth.

Information about rentals was scattered across websites, social media groups, and word-of-mouth.

Lack of transparency, consistency, and reliable communication tools made the process daunting,

Lack of transparency, consistency, and reliable communication tools made the process daunting,

the challenge

“How might we streamline the housing search experience to improve communication processes between students, roommates, and landlords ?”

“How might we streamline the housing search experience to improve communication processes between students, roommates, and landlords ?”

dissecting the problem + solutions

problem 1

The current Umich off-housing website design features a side-by-side layout of listings and a map view.

While this location-focused approach enables users to easily see property locations, it comes with limitations:

• Insufficient space for detailed property information, causing difficulty to focus on individual listings.

• No specialized search bar for listings search, making it harder to change and personalize searches.

solution 1

Optimized Search and Multiple view Listings

Optimized Search and Multiple view Listings

Horizontal Search Bar + Vertical Filter Side Bar

• Horizontal Search Bar + Vertical Filter Side Bar

• Horizontal Search Bar + Vertical Filter Side Bar

Filter by travel time to main destinations on campus.

• Filter by travel time to main destinations on campus.

• Filter by travel time to main destinations on campus.

Listings Search

Multiple view options with ‘List’ + Grid’ + ‘Map’

• Multiple view options with ‘List’ + Grid’ + ‘Map’

• Multiple view options with ‘List’ + Grid’ ‘Map’

Easy to navigate tags

• Easy to navigate tags

• Easy to navigate tags

Listing Details

Cross platform data pulling and AI-generated reviews

• Cross platform data pulling and AI-generated reviews

• Cross platform data pulling and AI-generated reviews

problem 2

Roommates search lack personal touch, making the process rigid and unfriendly.

Profile pictures are too small and difficult to see other students as somebody you would want to live with

Impossible to scan though living preferences to identify potential matches  

Information prompts are unhelpful; some students had to put room details as their screen name for visibility

solution 2

Roommate preference matching and group search

Roommate preference matching and group search

We included a side filter menu, cards with introductions and feature tags in the Roommate list view to make the it easer for roommate seekers to scan through potential matches. The size of the profile pictures are also increased to make connecting with other users on the website more friendly and approachable.

Roommates List

Roommates Details

Saved Listings with ’Add members’ Option

Saved Listings with ’Add members’ Option

Saved Listings

Slider switching between your likes and others’ likes for easy option management

Slider switching between your likes and others’ likes for easy option management

Slider switching between your likes and others’ likes for easy option management

As our User Research indicated that some students prefer to look for accommodation together, we added a “group likes” section in the “Saved Listings” page. By adding others to see the properties they have liked and viewing others’ preferred properties, users can look for property as a group and narrow down their search more easily.

problem 3

Communications are carried out through email prompts, making it difficult to reach out and maintain contact.

problem 4

Requests must be made to via messages before creating a listing or sublease, making the process burdensome.

solution 3

Integrated communication system with Call and Tour Request Options

In order to address the limitations of email-only communication, we realized the importance of an in-app messaging system to reduce delays and improve response times.

The Call feature allows for real-time conversations, fostering clearer communication and building stronger relationships.

The Tour Request option enables users to schedule visits effortlessly through an intuitive interface.

-> ensure consistent engagement and efficient follow-ups, ultimately enhancing overall communication effectiveness.

Direct messages

solution 4

Friction-Free ‘Add New Property’ Process

We simplified and accelerated the experience of creating listings or subleases by removing the need for preliminary message-based requests. This streamlined approach allows users to directly input property details through an intuitive interface, reducing unnecessary back-and-forth communication and saving time.

Add new property

what i learned

collaborating in a multi-people design team

This project marked my first experience working in a large team of five designers, each contributing to the research and design process. It provided an opportunity to develop my leadership and communication skills, ensuring consistency across the project through the use of style guides and regular review sessions.

incorporating creativity within design conventions

At the outset, one of the primary challenges was defining the unique value proposition of the platform. Through this experience, I learned that by focusing on user needs, it’s possible to find areas for innovation. Subtle adjustments to common design conventions can create distinctive and meaningful user experiences.

well-structured usability testing

Although I had previously conducted usability testing, this project gave me a deeper understanding of the process. From segmenting the prototype into distinct user flows to preparing tasks and observing user interactions, I learned how to maximize the value of usability testing and apply the insights to refine and enhance the design.

thanks for looking around ~

feel free to reach out to me through

thanks for looking around ~

feel free to reach out to me through

thanks for looking around ~

feel free to reach out to me through